Check out the following...

"Backyard Grocery Gardening": Info to provide healthy, nutritious and untainted produce
"Special Cooking & Food Prep": Canning, storing, cooking stored-food or money-saving meals
"Homesteading Basics": Becoming self-reliant, inventory checks, water, emergencies, etc.
"School-At-Home": Discussions, quizzes, assignments and other schoolwork
"What Would U Do If...": A fun way to spend 5 minutes of your day!

Can Rice Be Grown in Backyards?

Rice is such a staple in many homes, and it's also one of the many foods being effected by this horrible economy. So.... we'd like to figure out how to grow rice at home.
  1. Where would we get non-genetically-altered brown rice seeds?
  2. Is there an easy rice to grow?
  3. Can brown rice be grown in containers?
  4. If a family of 4 eats rice 5 times a week (that's 20 servings), how many seeds should be planted to supply this family for an entire year and still have some left over to plant the next year?
  5. How is rice cultivated and harvested?
  6. And hulled?
Thanks for your information. Check back later to see comments. We'll post the results of our research when we have it.