Check out the following...

"Backyard Grocery Gardening": Info to provide healthy, nutritious and untainted produce
"Special Cooking & Food Prep": Canning, storing, cooking stored-food or money-saving meals
"Homesteading Basics": Becoming self-reliant, inventory checks, water, emergencies, etc.
"School-At-Home": Discussions, quizzes, assignments and other schoolwork
"What Would U Do If...": A fun way to spend 5 minutes of your day!

Catalogs/Suppliers: Totally Tomato / Seed Rack

Here are two more suppliers to consider when planning your garden:

Totally Tomato -
We found this website when searching for more varieties of tomatoes. Wow! Our mouths water. And they sell other things too, including seeds to sprout. Check them out.

-Tomato Seeds -
-Pepper Seeds -
-Other Vegetable Seeds -
-Vegetable Plants and Roots -

Whatcom Seed Company -
We just found this company and can't wait to order from them. They have pinion pines, which we want to plant so we will have pinion nuts in 10 (??) years or so ($3.07 for 25 seeds). Also has Christmas fir trees, vegetables, fruits, bonsai trees, sugar maple, rice paper plant, giant cabbage (25+ lbs), tea plant, rainbow-colored carrots, pecans, coffee trees, and much more.

Start at the first page ( ) and work your way through - alphabetical by technical name.

Have fun working your way through garden planning - isn't this fun?! We still have about 6 more companies to go through (2 days of postings).