Check out the following...

"Backyard Grocery Gardening": Info to provide healthy, nutritious and untainted produce
"Special Cooking & Food Prep": Canning, storing, cooking stored-food or money-saving meals
"Homesteading Basics": Becoming self-reliant, inventory checks, water, emergencies, etc.
"School-At-Home": Discussions, quizzes, assignments and other schoolwork
"What Would U Do If...": A fun way to spend 5 minutes of your day!

Garlic: Have you planted your bulbs yet?

Garlic needs to be planted in the fall in order to harvest the next Summer. Have you ordered, received and planted your bulbs yet? If not, you better get going.

It is best to plant garlic as close to the autumnal equinox as possible - but since it's not too late.Carefully separate the bulbs (the whole) into cloves (the parts) - don't bruise any of them. Plants the cloves, top side up, 4-8 inches apart. Garlic will sprout roots pretty quickly, and use the rest of the Fall to feed and develop. A good root system will develop. The cold of Winter will give it a chance to rest until warmer weather arrives, when the warmth will allow new growth (above and below the ground). Then, it will bolt, so since it doesn't produce seeds, it will use it's energy to produce as many cloves and leaves as it possibly can before the hot Summer weather will kill it's leaves.

Be sure to mark your calendar to harvest when leaves die, or it will be hard to find, then will start the process all over, thus overcrowding that little space.

For lots of detailed information, go to: