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Growing Quinoa in our Backyard

We'd like to grow quinoa next Summer, and are looking for information:

  1. Where can we get non-genetically-modified seeds?
  2. Some sources say quinoa is gluten-free and some say it does have gluten. Huh?
  3. Is there more than one kind, like there are different kinds of corn?
  4. We understand the quinoa does well in less fertile soil, drought, low temperatures, and short growing seasons. So at the foothills of Colorado's Rocky Mountains - it should do well, right?
  5. Can it be grown in containers?
  6. If a family of 4 eats quinoa twice a week (8 servings), how many seeds would we need to plant to supply them for an entire year, and still have enough left over to plant for the next year?
  7. The leaves are supposed to be highly nutritious and full of protein, cooked. Same as raw?
  8. How is it planted, grown, harvested and stored?
  9. We've used quinoa as those little pellets/seeds. Is there a reference for the step-by-step process of hulling it?

Year 2008 was our first time as gardeners. We did ok with corn, but would like to add quinoa to our "garden" in 2009 as it is a complete protein. As our goal is to be self-reliant, this seems like a perfect addition to our "grain" stores, and for yours.

The leaves can be eaten as vegetables. The hulled grain can be used in cakes and breads, to make porridge, or to make beer.

An overall MUST ingredient for our food stores, so ... ... ... thanks for any info you have on this. We'll post an update when we have researched all the info we need to grow quinoa.