Check out the following...

"Backyard Grocery Gardening": Info to provide healthy, nutritious and untainted produce
"Special Cooking & Food Prep": Canning, storing, cooking stored-food or money-saving meals
"Homesteading Basics": Becoming self-reliant, inventory checks, water, emergencies, etc.
"School-At-Home": Discussions, quizzes, assignments and other schoolwork
"What Would U Do If...": A fun way to spend 5 minutes of your day!

Catalog/Supplier: Stark Brothers

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to bring you... Starks Brothers! There I was, waiting for Hubby to bring in the mail before I started working on today's gardening catalogs, and up he comes with Starks!

We bought a lot of stuff from them last year. I'm not sure whether it was because we were novice gardeners, didn't dig holes deep enough, didn't water enough, or whether the stock wasn't any good, but many things didn't survive the summer. However, when we move to our new place, we'll be trying again. They have good replacement policies and the phone people are very helpful.

They have miniature citrus trees, grafted apple trees, nut trees, berry bushes and much more. The peach, crabapple and apple collonnade trees that we bought did well. Unfortunately, we'll have to leave them here for the next owners. Bummer.

We'll definitely place an order after we've moved to a new place. Gotta get those fruit and nut trees started so we can harvest in 5-10 years.